Facts & figures

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Established: 23 December 1983

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Owner: SRG SSR Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft

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Total employees: 313

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Annual turnover CHF 67,7 million (2023)

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Locations in Biel/Bienne, Berne, Zurich, Lausanne, Geneva and Comano


Figures from our cloud:

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Internet peering: 2 x 31 Gb/s

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ESX hosts 208 x / 88,5 TB RAM

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Streaming bitrate: 12 Gb/s

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Storage: 11,9 PB

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4'279 active VMs

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CDN: 7,2 PB (2019)


Some other figures:

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49’014 hours of subtitles (2023)