In brief Content4All
Deaf individuals often have difficulty reading. Subtitles are therefore only of limited use to them. A sign language translation is more helpful. Many public-service TV broadcasters provide this service using expensive human sign language interpreters. Content4All is intended to automate the production of sign language through what are known as realatars.
Description Aims and implementation in the Content4All project
Development of so-called “3D reala(va)tars”, using artificial intelligence (AI) and technologies developed in-house to convert speech (audio signals) into subtitles (text) automatically and then into realistic-looking people (realatars).
These realatars appear in special glasses or virtually in your living room.
This is known as “telepresence outside of the TV”.
The project is aimed at broadcasting companies that can save huge costs with a solution like this.
The project phase has been completed and the test phase is now underway.
This research project won the 2020 NAB Technology Innovation Award.
Winner Content4All wins the 2020 NAB Technology Innovation Award
The NAB accolade rewards organisations that showcase advanced technology exhibits and present advanced research and development projects in communication technologies, which have not yet been commercialised.
External link
Content4All is an EU-funded project as part of the H2020 programme and Grant Agreement no. 762021. The aim of Content4All is to automate sign language in full for broadcasters’ content using realatars. Term of the project: 2017 to 2021. For more information: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/762021